Sunday, 8 May 2011

8th May 2011

No new arrivals last night.  The Godfrey family had a farm tour with their little boy Theo.  He loved the puppies.

Taylor the lamb had his first feel of grass between his hooves.  Both Katie and Taylor are doing really well.

I have a re match at tennis tonight  with Alex so wish me well!

We have Wendy and Graham coming back for a few days with Liqourice their dog.
Vicci is cooking them Slow Roast Belly Pork
Slow Roast Belly of Pork..
Score the rind in wide chunks

Rub with a couple of bruised garlic cloves
Brush olive oil season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and fresh thyme.
Sit on a bed of 2 onions.halved. and 2 tomatoes halved some carrots and a handful of fresh thyme

Cook on a high heat 180/200degrees for a good hour then on a low heat  120 degrees for 8/10 hours
Ideal for Aga cooking.
All the fat will have melted away and left with crispy skin and sweet succulent pork...
Yummy! we served it with leek and spring onion mash, roast carrots with honey and thyme sugar snaps, asparagus and mange tout from the garden.

Followed by a ginger and rhubarb cheesecake

The tennis was  a bit more respectable this time with one set all. Great game!

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