Thursday, 21 March 2013

21st March 2013

With the weather being a bit dreary over the last week we've made the newborn lambs as cosy as possible by laying down lots of straw for them to snuggle into.

The pigs on the other hand are loving this wet weather and are quite literally as happy as pigs in mud!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


We got a bit carried away at Carmarthen Market last week. 
We intended to bring home just 8 eight pigs but now have 17 running round!

The day of the auction was rather eventful in itself with two piglets making a dash for it! 45 minutes later and after a lot of running around, they were safely secured in our trailer ready to bring home.

They’re settling in really nicely here at Sutton Mawr, and we look forward to keeping you updated on their progress.

Spring is here!

After all the rain this winter it has been beautiful to see the lambs frolicking in the field. We had another strong lamb born last week! Hopefully the start of a good season with better weather than last year!

That's one proud Mummy!